The Most Common Dental Problems and How to Prevent Them

When it comes to your dental health, the best medicine is always prevention. Maintaining the health of your teeth is much easier than repairing decay or damage after it occurs. In this article, we will identify the most common dental problems and provide prevention tips

Tooth Decay 

Tooth decay refers to cavities, which are pits or holes that form in your tooth enamel due to plaque. The bacteria in plaque gradually eat away at your teeth, causing damage to the top layer of enamel first, then continue to deepen until the health of the tooth is at risk. 


The best way to prevent tooth decay is to brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, and go to the dentist every 6 months for routine dental cleanings and oral checkups. Brushing removes the plaque that forms on your teeth from the foods you eat. Flossing removes food particles and plaque that settle between the teeth. And regular dental cleanings allow your dentist to remove any plaque you may have missed when brushing and flossing. 

Gum Disease 

Gum disease is a bacterial infection of the gums caused by plaque. When plaque is not removed from the teeth regularly it will harden into calculus, becoming much more difficult to remove and more likely to cause gum disease.


The same tips apply to gum disease and are recommended to prevent tooth decay. Brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and going to the dentist twice a year will reduce the chances of developing gum disease. Regular dental visits also allow for early detection of gum disease so that it can be treated and eliminated before causing permanent damage.  

Dental Injuries 

Dental injuries include broken teeth, knocked-out teeth, soft tissue injuries, and any other trauma that affects the mouth. 


You can’t always prevent dental injuries, but you can wear a mouthguard when playing sports or doing activities with a high risk of dental trauma. This lowers your risk of dental injuries and may prevent you from having to seek emergency treatment. 

Cracked Teeth 

Teeth may develop cracks or a piece of a tooth may break off, called a fractured cusp. Cracked teeth may be caused by teeth grinding, chewing something hard, or biting something that is not food, such as using your teeth to open containers or remove tags. 


To prevent cracked teeth you can wear a night guard to prevent damage to your teeth from grinding. You can also avoid using your teeth for anything other than chewing food. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Preventive Dentistry 

Is a custom mouthguard better than a store-bought one?

A custom mouthguard made by your dentist will fit your teeth more comfortably and provide better protection than one you buy at the store and mold yourself. It costs more, but it is much higher quality. This applies to both night guards for teeth grinding and sports mouthguards. 

Does dental insurance cover preventive dentistry?

Most dental insurance plans cover routine dental cleanings and oral evaluations on a twice-yearly basis. In most cases, it will cover them at 100%, but some plans may require a copay. 


Schedule a Dental Visit Today

Has it been more than 6 months since your last trip to the dentist? If so, it is time to schedule a visit with Dental Excellence of Pennsauken. By keeping up with regular dental cleanings and practicing good oral hygiene habits at home, you can prevent many common dental problems and maintain your oral health. 

Call 856-910-0400 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

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